Dr. Goldberg has been training, teaching, and practicing conflict resolution for over 20 years. With her colleague Dr. Blancke, she pioneered Wisdom Resolution, and they are the premier practitioners of it. She has worked with groups from many faith orientations, from Christian, to Jewish, to Native American, to Quaker, to Hindu, working on issues from interfaith understanding and cooperation, to vision/mission and strategic planning, to positive change management, to group visioning and problem solving, to organizational development, to dialogue, to future search conferences, to interpersonal mediation.

    She has a lifelong committment to deep, spiritual communication, helping others to connect to and hear their deepest, highest selves and work, individually, or in groups, from that place. She has a PhD in Conflict Resolution as well as over 20 years consulting experience in mediation, facilitation, process design, and group processes. Her combination of abilities leads to opportunities for extraordinary, transformative work. Her goal is to help groups and individuals change in ways that transform, as well as strengthen and heal, building resiliance and peace.

She was originally trained as a mediator at Oberlin College in 1983, and her work and training background include: individual, organizational and multi-party interventions; and work around controversial issues like pro-life/pro-choice activism, police accountability, and Native American land claim conflict. She is a long time specialist and trainer in cross-cultural and diversity work, particularly at the group and community level. Her research includes work on incipient and active gang related activities, how worldview and mediator values shape their work, and she is the co-creator of Wisdom Mediation, which combines emotional, somatic, and spiritual practices with classic conflict resolution practice.




Selected Trainings, Mediations, Facilitations, and Other Practice

Co-Founder/Director: University Dispute Resolution Project, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

Consultant: Public participation

component, City of Salisbury, to

inform re-design of city’s

comprehensive plan

Facilitator/Consultant - Vision, Mission, Five Year Strategic Plan: Interreligious Council of Central New York

Designer-Facilitator: Voices on the Land Dialog addressing conflict between Native Americans and local citizens over landclaim issues.

Organizational Development Consultant: Elysium Counseling Center, Capitola, CA


University - Communiy


Dialogue between Jews, Native

Americans, Muslims, Unitarian

Universalists, Hindus, Atheists,

and Agnostics.

Facilitator/Organizer: University-

Community Dialogue between

the political right and the

political left

Facilitator: Coalition Gathering for community members and civic groups organizing around issues related to the war in Afghanistan

Facilitator/strategic planning retreat: Community Choir

Lead Trainer: Alternatives to

Violence Project, (International

system of violence prevention

workshops for maximum

security correctional facilities)


Columnist, Maggie Magazine (see Q and A for more on this)

“God in the Process: Is There a Place for Religion in Conflict Resolution?” Review article with Dr, Brian Blancke for Conflict Resolution Quarterly summarizing the literature in conflict resolution, law and psychology on the risks and merit of engaging religious or spiritual values in conflict resolution processes.

"How Our Values Shape Our Practices," for the journal Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Summary of multi-year research including the development of new methods to capture and track the effect of values on conflict resolution practices. The author developed methods to do narrative and metaphor analysis on intervener practice stories that enabled her to reveal and track major patterns of values shaping the field. This research represented the most advanced engagement of the limits of mediator neutrality to date and was the first to actually track and record how the value orientations shaping the field of particularly environmental and intercultural practice, affect actual intervener practices.


"God in the Process: Is there a place for Religion in Conflict Resolution Processes?" Peace and Religion, 6th Annual Peace Conference at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA

"Learning from Cross-Cultural Practitioners" Environment and Public Policy Section (EPP) of the Association for Conflict Resolution conference, Nurturing Conflict Resolution Skills, Practices, and Programs amid Institutional Changes, Tucson, AZ.

“How Our Values Shape Our Practices: Exploding the Myth of Neutrality”

Association for Conflict Resolution 2006 Annual Conference, October 25-28, 2006 at the Sheraton Philadelphia City Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:


Selected Academic Background

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